Lesson 3 - Look Behind!



Especially when photographing people, take the picture as quickly as you are able to do so. A fleeting expression must be captured before it disappears. Then, LOOK BEHIND the subject. Is there too much clutter? Can you move to another location in order to isolate your subject?

In photo "A" my subject, the giraffe, is nearly lost in the busy background. In photo "B" the giraffe dominates the frame. This required my moving to a different spot for an isolated image of the animal.

Your assignment: Take two pictures of the SAME subject. Shoot quickly in the first exposure. Be spontaneous. Then, LOOK BEHIND the subject. Find a point of view that provides a simple background. Isolate and emphasize the subject. In time, you will instinctively take in the background images while photographing your subject.

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© Walt Croxton